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Provolone. In New York City, we have a large Italian community and we have been taught to say "proh-voh-LOHN". This is dialect, however, the correct Italian pronunciation is proh-voh-LOH-neh. Under no circumstances should it rhyme with baloney.

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Q: How do you pronounce provalone cheese?
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The correct pronunciation of provalone includes a long "e" at the end of the word. Pro-va-lone-ee

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I've found that provalone molded faster than any of them---Trick question: you may not be aware of it but bleucheese is pre-molded. When bleu cheese is being made, it is injected with mold spores. This is what causes the blue veining or spotting that is seen in the cheese and gives it the generic name of bleu cheese.

What types of cheese can be put on a cheese pizza?

You use mozzarella and somtimes a little Provalone cheese I like Asiago as well as the mozzarella and provalone , you can add anything you like that melts nicely.Monterey Jack is nice as well .

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~salsa al formaggio

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koh-cheeze rhymes with go cheese.

What is asagio?

Asiago is a type of Italian cheese. It is comparable I suppose, to being like both parmagean and aged provalone. Its salty and sharp, and grates well. There is also asiago fresco, which is a non-aged version, that is milder. It can be shredded, but not grated.