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put them in a chair facing a wall for two to five minutes depending on the severity of the crime. Spanking or a slap in the hand is also very effective but should have been started before the child turned six. If you do spank your child make sure they understand why it happened and never do it when you are angry.

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10y ago
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13y ago

A simple one is a time out: the child must stop what they're doing, and go to a designated area to think about what they did wrong.

The usual rule of thumb is one minute of a time out for every year in age: so a 3-year-old would be punished by this method for a period of 2-3 minutes. (It helps to use a visible timer, such as the clock on a microwave; this both gives the child a frame of reference and saves the parent from having to guess how long it's been.)

In the case of repeated (or dangerous) misbehavior, it's not out of line to remove the child from the situation entirely.

However, be aware that anger or an adrenaline surge could lead you to be louder and more physical than you intended. So as soon as the immediate danger is past, I'd suggest you take a deep slow breath (and perhaps counting to three) before continuing the reprimand.

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7y ago

A three year old does have the ability to logic and reason, although it is not truly developed yet. Sometimes, they make us feel like we are losing our logic and reason. Remember it is important to remain calm, even if you are faking it. Take a second to pull yourself together before moving forward.

Often at this age, punishment should be more of a learning opportunity when possible.

If you just spank a three year old, they might realize that kicking the cat will get them spanked, but they won't understand why kicking the cat is bad.

It is better to remove them from the situation and tell them that cats are little and she can really hurt them and scare them when she kicks them. Explain that because she is bigger, she has to take care of the cat, not hurt it.

If the behavior continues, keep explaining every single time. Ask them why they are doing it. They may not really know themselves, but sometimes they will surprise you. If it is a repeated problem, they need to go into a time out. After time out, you can explain to them that if it happens again, you are taking something away. "If you try to kick the cat again, you will not be allowed to watch your show." Once you say it, stick to it.

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8y ago

Children are best disciplined by facing the consequences of their actions. For example, if they leave their toys lying around, the toys go into a box for a certain number of hours or days, or if they make a mess they have to clean it up. Have a few simple rules and very plain consequences for those rules, and whenever she breaks a rule she immediately gets whatever the consequence might be. For a three-year-old the best "punishment" is probably a "time out" to get her away from whatever she's doing wrong and make her bored enough not to want to do it again. Time out must be in a really boring place where there's nothing for her to do and look at for 10 -15 minutes, like in a chair facing the corner. Spanking doesn't really work unless you just give a child one swat on the butt in an extreme case, like when they are about to run out into traffic or something - just get their attention and then do the real "punishment."

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15y ago

Put them in a timeout and not allow them from playing with their toys for a while.

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