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you edit igloo pick it up and press down or up arrow and it gives you a bunch of Guitars and it makes other things do stuff as well like treadmill moves if u press down arrow in edit igloo hope this helps

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Q: How do you put a guitar on a guitar stand on club penguin?
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How do you put the guitar on the guitar stand in club penguin?

use the top arow

In club penguin how do you put a guitar on a guitar stand?

All you need to do is press an up or down key while holding the item in edit mode. -Blossom31

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I just figured it out......on edit mode hold the guitar stand and press the up or down button......this also works with the music stand :) You can't play the guitar in the guitar stand on club pengin. If you want to play a guitar, you must buy it from the gify shop. Then put it on with nothing else on and wave, and you will start playing! Waddle On! from: Koppa on Club Penguin

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You put this in Club Penguin?

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