

How do you put furniture in your house on Fantage?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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First you go to your room, then you click on the pencil at the top right corner that says: edit furniture and then click on my furniture, click on the furniture you want to put in your room, and then click on "my furniture" again and then you can remove it, move it, and rotate it!

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Q: How do you put furniture in your house on Fantage?
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you click your home button and go in your house and click the edit button and click on the peace of furniture you want to put in your house and place it in your house and rotate it and put any where you like. if you want to put something in your yard where you barn is, you go outside and click the edit button like inside and do the same thing as inside but put it outside your house.

How do you put furniture in your home in fantage?

First you go to your home. Second , click on the button "Edit Home" on the top right corner. Then, it will show you all the furniture you have. Click on one of the furniture and it will appear in your house. You can move it around to the spot you want. If you don't have any furniture, you can get them by going to the Furniture Shop.

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To put furniture in your home click edit home. It should be near the top right corner. near make a party.

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to move your furniture in your house on fantage: go to your house (go inside) on the right hand side corner there will be some pics click on the third one which says edit home on the bottom screen a arrow will pop out which will say inventory click the arrow and your done hope this helped

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You can get a free house in Fantage, by just simply signing up!

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so then you can have enough money to put furniture in your new house!

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No, you go to your home and click on the pencil icon. You can then view all of your owned furniture.

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How do you move furniture in Fantage?

well what you do is you go to edit home and you just click on your furniture and move it hope it helps:);):);):)

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The Newsroom is on Mt. Fantage to the left and then you will see a house and if u go inside the house it is in there.