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Je vous souhaite santé, bonheur et longue vie ensemble.

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Q: How do you say I Wish you health happiness and a long life together in french?
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What do you say to toast someone at their birthday?

Wish them health, happiness, and a long life.

How do you wish someone good health and happiness?

* You can say to the person 'Good luck on _____________(whatever the are venturing out to do such as graduating; finding a new job, etc.) and wish them all the best in the future.

What is the best wish to say to parents with a newborn baby?

Health and happiness for baby and entire family.

What is a sentence using the word happy?

Although he was wealthy, there was no happiness in his life. A huge crowd turned out to wish the newlyweds happiness in their lives together.

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How do you say i wish you good health in French?

Je vous souhaite une bonne santé.

Why is your health important?

Health and life go together. You have to have one to have the other. Or, if you have one, you would certainly wish to also have the other.

How do you say wish you good health in French?

"I wish you good health" is "(je vous souhaite une) bonne santé" or "portez-vous bien" in French. There are probably several more expressions with the same meaning.

A sentence for happiness?

I wish eternal happiness for the young couple. May your happiness be eternal. Happiness is a warm gun (but don't quote me, please).

French author of pantagruel in he advised people to live by one rule do as you wish?

The French author of "Pantagruel" is François Rabelais. He advised people to follow the principle of "Do as you wish" as a guiding rule for living freely and authentically. Rabelais believed in individual autonomy and self-expression as important aspects of personal freedom and happiness.

How do you say i wish you happiness in Portuguese?

Eu te desejo felicidades!

How can one best describe health?

healthnoun1.the general condition of the body or mind with reference tosoundness and vigor: good health; poor health.2.soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment:to have one's health; to lose one's health.3.a polite or complimentary wish for a person's health,happiness, etc., especially as a toast: We drank a health toour guest of honor.4.vigor; vitality: economic health.