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ich glaube nicht an nickolaus/weihnachtsmann.

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Q: How do you say don't believe in santa in German?
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Why dont people believe in Santa Claus?

Because sometimes your parents say it's just them.

What if i don't believe in santa?

it is not a big deal not to believe in santa, but if you dont want to upset those around you or get hasseled by those that do,you dont have to be forceful in denying his existence.i would just say that you do to your parents so they give you presents because its said that if you dont believe in him he wont come so yeah

Why did Santa die my friends say that Santa died in a car carsh or is it Rudolph who kill Santa why did Santa say he is my favorite when you say some thing Santa will say you will get some coll?

They are just lying. You will not get cole. Santa may be checking his list. And if you have been bad once he will still give you presents. See your parents might not have very much money. If you dont believe in santa then where do the presents come from? They come from santa. BELIEVE AND RECIEVE!!!!!

How do you say Believe in German?

to believe - glauben

Why people say santa don't exist?

Because at the end of the day people have opinion and they have a choice weather to believe in Santa or not to, and people might say to you that they don't believe in Santa because they feel embarrassed to admit that they do believe in Santa and some of my friends do this because they get scared in case they are going to get bullied by saying that they don't believe in him or maybe their friends don't believe in Santa so they pretend that they don't believe in Santa but they do ... i believe in him tho and i think people who don't believe in him are stupid

How do you say why not in German?

SRRY, dont know

What do thy call santa in Germany?

santa is real no matter what you say he is real he brings toys to those that believe if you dont he doesn't because you dont have the critsmas spirit those who say he doesn't ensits you know you once did believe just a liltel word stop't you from believing im ten and i well always believe in santa my mom told me he wasn't real but i still believe in him im not a person who gives up just cuz your mom told you he wasn't real cuz you might of loved him so much why can you keep on the crtsmas sipirt if you loved the citsmas spirit so much

How do you say sweatshirt in German?

believe it or not, it's sweatshirt

What do German children call Santa?

I guess, you would have to say the Santa equates to the "Weihnachtsmann". Many German kids believe that not the Weihnachtsmann but the Christkind (the Christ child) brings the presents on the evening of 24th of December (not on the morning of the 25th like in the US). The figure of Santa is based on the historic Saint Nicholas, whose holiday is celebrated separatly on the 6th of December in many catholic areas of Germany.

What are the Transcendentalist view of god?

I dont know for sure, but Transcendentalists believe that they can transcend to a higher plain of existances. From this belif i would say they dont believe in God unless some believe there transcending to Heaven to be with God. I dont know really,but i think its safe to say they dont believe in him.

How d you say thank you in German?

I believe it's "danke"

How do you find out if you child believes in Santa?

You say" Isn't santa cool?" and then he or she will probably then say, hes not real... and if you need to. Just go right up to him/her and say"Do you believe in santa?" and I recommend telling him/her if there about like 11, he's fake