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To surf the internet: navegar por internet

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Q: How do you say i like surfing the Internet in spanish?
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How do you say i like to go on internet in spanish?

Me gusta conectarme a internetIn spanish you dont go on the internet, you connect to it

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Surfing = "Syrffio" I like surfing "Rwy'n hoffi syrffio"

How do you say internet in spanish?


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¿Les gustaría ir al Internet a Ustedes?

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Protocolo Internet

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Solo dél internet

What are two words that mean internet in spanish?

In Spanish, they say "La red" for the "the internet"

Do we say go surfing or do surfing?

we say go shred the nar if you want to speak in surf terms... but usually, we say go surfing

How do you say are you in a internet cafe in spanish?

¿Estás en un café de internet?

How do you say I like in spanish?

"Me gustas." - Platonic"Te quiero." - Something a little gustas is how you say I like you in Spanish Language.

How do you say what you are like in Spanish?

To ask what someone is like in Spanish, say, "Como eres?"

Ho do you say 'And' in Spanish?

y in spanish you say it like e