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By using a magnet to separate the iron filings, you'd be left with the sulfur and sand mix. Selecting a solvent for the sulfur will allow you to dissolve the sulfur, and then all you have to do is put the sand in a filter and wash the sulfur through with the solvent.

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14y ago

Hover a magnet over the pile, the iron filings will be attracted to it, but the sand won't, so you will be left with a pile of sand and a magnet covered in iron filings.

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15y ago

A magnet would do nicely

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Q: How do you separate a mixture of sand and iron filings?
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How will you separate a mixture of iron filings sand and camphor?

Hover a magnet over the mixture.The iron filings will be attracted to it.A mixture of sand and camphor will be left. Then,separate the mixture of sand and camphor by using sublimation.

How when cold do you separate a mixture of iron filings and sand?

This can be done by the processs of magnetism. Holding amagent near the mixture will cause the iron filings to be attracted out of the sand.

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First, place the sulfur, sand and iron filings in a plastic container. Next, use a magnet to remove the iron filings from the sulfur-sand mixture and surely,the iron filings will connect to the magnet, leaving the sulfur and sand behind.

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water and a magnet

How would you separate a mixture of water sand salt and iron filings into its four components?

In solution, the salt will be dissolved in the water, the sand and iron will settle to the bottom of the container. Separate out the water, evaporate the water and the salt will remain, separate the sand and iron filings with a magnet.

How do you explain the process of separating a mixture consisting of iron filings and sand in a plastic bowl?

Here's the full scientific report I had to do in year 7. Title: Magnetic Separation Aim: To separate iron filings from sand using a magnet. Equipment: Magnet, sand and iron filing mixture, plastic bowl Method: 1. Pour the mixture into the plastic bowl 2. Move the magnet slowly through the mixture Results: When the magnet was moved through the mixture, it picked up the iron filings but not the sand. Conclusion: In this experiment we demonstrated that a magnet can pick up iron filings in a sand and iron filing mixture through magnetism. The aim was achieved as we were able to separate the iron filings from the sand.

How you would separate a mixture of water sand salt and iron filings into its four component parts?

In solution, the salt will be dissolved in the water, the sand and iron will settle to the bottom of the container. Separate out the water, evaporate the water and the salt will remain, separate the sand and iron filings with a magnet.

Is iron filings and sand a mixture or a solution?

It is a mixture

How did you separate the components of the mixtures of iron filings and sand?

You can move a magnet back and forth right above the mixture. The iron filings will get attracted to the magnet and stick to it while the sand will remain in the container. Iron is a magnetic material while sand is not.

How can you separate a mixture of sand iron filings and salt?

Use a magnet to remove all the iron filings, then using a cloth bag, add water to the sand and salt. The salt will dissolve in the water, leaving the sand in the cloth bag.

Carlos' teacher has asked him to separate a mixture of sand and iron filings. Which of these methods would correctly separate the mixture?

the correct answer would be -( magnetic attraction of one part )

What is salt a mixture of?

A heterogeneous mixture: There are no chemical bonds between the iron filings and sand.