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use decantation method..... it would help i think so....... :P

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16y ago

I would use the 'Decant' method

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Q: How do you separate powder chalk and sugar?
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by the process of SUBLIMATION.....

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How do you separate chalk and sugar?

Firstly mix the water well to make sure all of the sugar has dissolved. Then, depending on the weight of the chalk (whether it is in chunks or powder form) it will either sink to the bottom of the mixture of float on top. If the chalk is floating on top, you can simply scoop it out. Otherwise, pour the mixture through some filter paper to separate the chalk from the sugar water. Now, once the chalk is separated, you can boil the water to evaporate it, leaving just the sugar behind.

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How will you separate chalk powder iron filling?

Use a magnet to remove the iron filings. Filter the remainder to separate the insoluble chalk powder from the water. Wash and dry the iron filings as they will be contaminated. Dry the chalk powder to remove traces of water.

How do you separate chalk from salt?

first, put the mixture in water . salt will dissolve and then allow chalk powder to settle down. Then try decantation.

What has more friction polished wood or chalk powder or marble?

Chalk powder

How do you separate a mixture of ammonium chloride and chalk powder in the laboratory?

sublimate it and get ammonia gas and hcl acid gas and then solidify

How do you separate a mixture of iron filings copper sulphate cystals and chalk powder?

Use a magnet to remove the iron filings from the mixture, then mix the remaining components with water. The copper sulfate will dissolve but the CaCO3 (chalk powder) will not. Filter the mixture to remove the chalk, then boil the water to recover the copper sulfate.

What method is used to separate chalk powder and water?

chalk powder has calcium carbonate in it. calcium carbonate is a non soluble substance it is easier to filter it, dr Hussein moussa

How do you separate salt water from the mixture of chalk powder mixed in water?

Pass the mixture through filter paper. The salt water will pass through leaving the chalk behind in the filter paper.