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That is the correct spelling of "mechanic" (auto repairman).

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13y ago
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12y ago

The correct spelling is "mechanically" (pertaining to machinery or machine-like action).

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11y ago

That is the correct spelling of the adjective "mechanical" (of a machine, or automatic).

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How do you spell automative?

The adjective "automotive" applies to cars and similar vehicles. The adjective "automatic" means occurring without direct control, or mechanically.

What is a sentence for mechanically?

There are several meanings for this word. You could mean something done by machine. That is produced mechanically, not by human hands. You could mean doing something blindly without thinking about it. He went about his chores mechanically, thinking about what he was going to do tomorrow.

What are the syllables in the word mechanically?

The word mechanically has five syllables like so: Me-chan-i-cal-ly.

What are some sentences with the word mechanically in it?

The earliest computers had parts which functioned mechanically, opening and closing clunky circuits. The safety of this car isn't the best, but mechanically speaking the car is top in its class.

How do prairie dogs mechanically weather rock?

They burrow which is mechanically weathering, because when they burrow they loosen it into sediments physically.

What are three ways sedimentary rocks can form?

Biologically, Chemically and Mechanically.

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How does both tree roots and prairie dogs mechanically weather rock?

They burrow which is mechanically weathering, because when they burrow they loosen it into sediments physically

Which type of energy is used by a spring operated watch?

Mechanical, The spring is mechanically wound, and mechanically unwinds to provide motive force for the watch.

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