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You may want to add extra bedding or a shelter for your guinea pig as they may just want to burrow. I got my last guinea pig cage here and love it!

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Q: How do you stop dog digging under guinea pig cage?
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How do you stop two male guinea pigs fighting?

Put one in a different cage

What should you use to stop earwigs getting in and nesting in your guinea pig's outside cage which will not harm him?

You should not keep the cage outside anyway. I suggest getting a new cage and keeping it inside. It may be cold for your guinea pig outside. If you didn't keep the cage outside earwigs would not have got to it.

How do you stop guinea pig fights?

Calmly put your hand underneath one of the piggy's chest and pull him away and put him in the cage and let him cool off. Take the other one and put it in another cage.

What if your guinea pigs live in a cage outside. Now you find there are two RATS that come to the cage at night looking for food. Willl they hurt your piggies. What can you do to stop them?

First of all, guinea pigs shouldn't really live outside because it makes their life shorter, so if i were you i would just buy a indoor guinea pig cage and bring it inside so there will be no more rats!

If your guinea pig wont stop squeaking even when in the cage?

Its Hungry. I had a guinea pig for 10 years (he died year ago of age) And everytime he squicked i gave him seeds and lettuce

Stop wild animal from digging under fence?

Put some crushed peppers into the hole.

What should you do when your guinea pigs fight?

you should wait and watch a little longer to see what is wrong and if they stop then leave them if they stop and start again then put then in a different cage not together

How do you stop your guinea pig from being afraid to leave their cage?

By holding it and training it,slowly it will trust you.You need to hold him or her every day if you can .

Whats wrong with your guinea pigs teeth?

Their teeth do not stop growing, you need to put many wooden toys in the cage for them to chew on to wear the teeth down naturally.

How do you get your guinea pig to stop hiding?

leave him alone for a little while. let him get himself under control

How do you stop guinea pigs from having itchy teeth?

Guinea pigs don't actually get itchy teeth. They are rodents, and this means their teeth never stop growing. To keep their teeth worn down, they will gnaw the wooden edges of their cage. Maybe this is what you interpret as having itchy teeth. If you don't give your guinea-pig pieces of untreated wood to gnaw on, it's possible for their teeth to grow so long that they can't eat.

How do you train a beagle not to dig under your fence?

What my dad did with our dog is we got her to stop digging and how we did that is we put chicken wire under the ground and when our beagle tried digging she got annoyed by the chicken wire. Hope it helps. -C.J