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You can take your pulse on the inside of your wrist. Don't use your thumb. Count the beats for 10 seconds then multiply by 6.

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Q: How do you take pulses except carotid?
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Related questions

What are examples of pulses?

Radial,Temporal,Carotid,Femoral,Popliteal,Dorsalis pedis.

Why the carotid and radial pulses are not in time with each other?

They are not in time with each other due to their relative positions from the heart. The carotid being closer to the heart will be felt before the radial, although the difference is minute.

Why do giraffes have valves in their carotid arteries?

They have very long neck which the pulses in the arteries are not strong enough to push the blood up to the brain. The "VALVES" prevent the back flow of blood.........

Bytes take the form of electrical pulses?

Yes they do not

Where can you found the 11 pulses?

Temporal, Radial, Dorsalis Pedis, Anterior Tibial, Apical pulse, Ulnar pulse, brachial pulse, Carotid pulse, Femoral pulse, Popliteal pulse, Posterior Tibialis pulse.

Which artery is felt when taking the pulse rate at the neck?

The Carotid pulse is found in the neck. The Radial pulse is found in the wrist.

Through what cranial structure does the carotid artery pass as it enters the brain?

the carotid artery passes through the carotid canal to the brain

Where is a good place to take a pulse?

On the underside of your wrist, or on the carotid arteries of the neck.

I'm looking for the arteries that provide a pulse like the brachial carotid radial?

Pulses can also be found on the femoral artery (in the groin) and post tibial (behind the ankle) and on the top of the foot between the great and second toes.

What is the artery in the heart taking blood to the neck called?

the juggular vain

What is the opening for the carotid artery?

carotid foramen

What artery is associated with the carotid sinus?
