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If he likes you and is single, be brave and just straight up tell him

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Q: How do you tell a guy that you like like him but that you cant go on a date because you are 13?
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That is NOT a reason to not date him

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Because he cant get over his pride .

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if you really like him and you cant go out with him because your not aloud to date yet or something then you should tell him that you really like him back but for whatever your reason is you tell him that reason. If he really likes you he should understand why you cant be with him good luck i hope this helps P.S. you are so lucky i wish the guy i liked would ask me out, but like you i would have to reject them because im not aloud to date until i am 17

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ask him why you guys cant date yet and tell him that you dont think theres a reason not to date and since you like eachother, you should just go out!

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all you have to do is get deep into your feelings and tell her it dosent matter what you or anybody thinks i still like you.

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then you talk to your friend and tell her you like him. because if you dont tell her she will date him and you will get jealous = bad so tell her and date the kid

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Tell him you liked him too before and say something like "i like you but since your going out with someone i cant date you"

What to do if your best friend dates the guy you like and shes only doing it so you cant date him and now your friend and you are fighting?

You tell he where to go and how to get there. you tell her you really like him and you would appreciate it if she would back off.

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Tell him that you really like him, and he is probably just suprised that you can't go out with him. Exaplain why you can't go out with him, and hopefully, he will understand i think it means he cant date anyway.... he really likes the girl, but he cant date simple as that, o and he never thought she would say yes

How did the Aztecs tell the date?

Because, they used a sundial to tell date and time.

How can you tell if your pet hamsters likes you?

well i knew that my hamster like me by it not bitting me. yet you cant really tell because they mite like you but are really scared so it seems like they dont like you.