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  • Generally a hicky is on the side of the neck and it is causing by the other person vigorously sucking on that section of the neck causing the blood to surface under the skin and is blue/red (mostly red in color.) A bruise is on another part of the body where you may have hit your shin or arm and is dark blue; sometimes black and as it heals can have a yellowing appearance.

A bruise and a hickey are basically the same thing. Broken blood vessels. But the hickey is purposefully induced. It's a juvenile, silly thing to do.

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Q: How do you tell if a bruise is a hicky?
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What is hikkies?

Answer A hikkie (hickie or hicky) is a love bite, a bruise usually on this side of the neck, the product of kiss more like a suck, between passionate teenagers.

How old do you have to be to get a hicky?

You should be at least 18 years old, or older to get a hicky.

What turn you on?

when a guy kisses me on the neck. a small light hicky, not a big ugly bruise. when a guy touches me all over with light hands and a gentle touch. grabing is just creepy, we're not a piece of meat!

Will hicky's make you pregnant?

No, a hicky will not make you get pregnant. Pregnancy requires a human egg and sperm Since a hicky is merely caused by suction on skin, pregnancy is impossible.

Can you give a hicky on a vagina?

Yes You Could, Like Any Other Hicky, its just like a "Clicky"

What is a hikkie?

First things it's spelt 'hickey' or a 'love bite'. A hickey or a love bite is a bruise or a mark that is caused for when a human is sucking or kissing the skin (usually the neck or arm, it varies).

How bad can hickeys get?

Hickeys can actually get very bad. Once I cut a tennis ball in half, turned in inside and and suction cupped it to my arm. It left what was basically a giant hicky. It had tiny red spots and it looked like a nasty bruise. It is also VERY sensitive.

Can you make a hicky on someones lip?

From experience... Yes

What does scout come home with that she did not have before?

A hicky on her neck

Do many people die from a hicky that looks like a bruse?

DEATH BY HICKY!!!......hmm never heard of any such cases, If its true I would have died ages ago;)

What is the name of Earl's younger brother?

Randy Hicky

How many people die from getting a hicky?

you can't die from a hicky, you just suck on your skin till the blood comes up, but its bad for your skin if you do it to harddd! >:0 dont do it foolz!