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There's no single way to tell, but some clues/hints that a girl might like you are: she calls you or text messages you frequently she invites you do go places with her (esp. movies or dinner) she flirts more than you have experienced most girls flirting Those are a few things...but there are many other hints...good luck!

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Q: How do you tell if a girl you like likes you as more than a friend?
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How do you act like your friend if your friend likes the girl you like and the girl you like likes your friend more?

I would just switch girlfriends with my friend, but that's just me.

What do you do if you like a boy but he doesn't know if he likes you or your best friend?

if he talks more to you then he likes your friend because guys are shy so they do not talk to the girl they like. So if the guy talks more to your friend then he likes you.

When your friend who is a girl likes you?

A friend that is a girl likes you, then you have to decide if you like her more as a friend too. Taking the relationship to a different level will change things. It may also ruin your friendship.

You just told a girl you like her and your friend likes her and she turned him down and she likes you. What do you do?

You should think about whether the girl or your friend is more important. Try talking to your friend feel about it and then make your decision.

What do you do when the girl you like likes your best friend?

well it depends if u really like this girl then jst go for it its not like your friend likes her too, but her your friend does like her then you to have move on ... what matters more to you your friend who's always gonna be there for you a girl that you might just possibly jst with for a short while you decide

If she likes you but you don't like her but like her best friend who likes your best friend who likes the girl in love with you is that weird?

its not weird its just a love triangle more like a love square, that's sort of weird

What should you do if you like a girl but your friend likes her too but you have more in common with her?

Tell your friend and tell her. If he is a good friend and he cares about the relationship, it will all work out.

What do you do if a girl flirts with you and your friend and you don't know which one she likes more?

Walk away.She will feel like she is losing you in some way and make it more obvious to you in some way. If your friend likes her more, again-walk away. Don't let a girl come between a good friendship. Let him have her. Also you can ask her if she likes your friend

How do you get a girl to like you when she likes your friend?

Talk to her more often and show her that you are better and more compatible with her and eventually she will come around

How do you know if the girl that is your best friend likes you as more than a friend?

Ask her.

My best friends like the girl i like what do i do?

First see if the girl likes you or not and if she does and leaves your friend its ok.But if your friend is gonna be mad that means he is not a good and trustworthy friend. P.S. Also see who is more important your friend or a girl you love and think from your heart and think it carefully!!! First see if the girl likes you or not and if she does and leaves your friend its ok.But if your friend is gonna be mad that means he is not a good and trustworthy friend. P.S. Also see who is more important your friend or a girl you love and think from your heart and think it carefully!!!

What does it mean when a girl says she likes you as more than a friend?

She likes you! Go for it Dude!