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if you have the black eyes, s/he's abusive Guess what? I've never had a black eye. That doesn't mean I haven't been abused (especially since I've been afraid for my life). * Explain why you fear for your life if you are not being Physically Abused (Pushed, kicked, shoved , etc). If you are being Verbally threatened , what is he/she saying , WHY & How Often ???? Generalities or statements , without specifics, are meaningless.

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15y ago

You need to confront them and tell them how you feel. Tell them that they should learn to have respect for other people. If that does not work, tell some big guys and they will kick his ass :)

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14y ago

Firstly, you need to tell someone that you trust, what is going on. No type of abuse is ok. You need to get out of the relationship safely, and make sure that they can't find you. Tell the person that you trust everything, From the very beginning, to now.

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13y ago
  • One should never be hesitant when another is abusive to them. Either face this person and tell them the truth or have an 'intervention' where you and others get together in a quiet place and face this abusive person. Realize that often abusive people sometimes have personal problems so while facing that person and accusing them of abusing you and others also come together as a group and ask this person why they feel they have to be so abusive. You just never know, you or the rest of the people involved may be able to help this person.
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Yes, it is. If someone is abused or sees/hears a lot of abuse when they are younger chances are they are going to be abusive themselves.

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We cannot speak for all abusive men, but we assume that most of them know that they are abusers. Abusive men tend to come from abusive homes, and the behavior may seem normal to them. Others may feel that such behavior is their right. Most of them know the law, but when rage strikes, the law often doesn't mean much.

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