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well just say i love you and i just want you to know if you don't love me back then its ok but i just want to tellyou that i love you

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Q: How do you tell your ex-girlfriend you still love her without making her mad?
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You can talk to him about him liking his ex. It might be the case that he is missing her. If she does not come back you can give all your love to him.

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If your ex is with another boy, and you still love her, you may have a chance to win her back. She may have moved on or she may be willing to give your relationship another chance.

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Protect your self dont wanna get pregant as his ex girlfriend do you?

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maybe its because they still have feeling for there exgirlfriend and the girl may not love them back. some boys do get upset about that!! Or they just dont like the fact she has found someone better than him. maybe not they may not like the fact that shes moved on and he just cant

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There is nothing you can say that will guarantee your ex girlfriend will take you back. She has a new boyfriend and may be totally over you.

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Well, "above" and "love" do rhyme, but the words "who you always think of making love" don't make much sense without the word "with", as in "with whom you always think of making love" (if you mean the pastor, I hope not, unless you're married to him!), or "the stars, with which you always think of making love" (which still doesn't make sense, how can you make love with stars?).

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* This is strictly up to you and if you love her and you can work on any problems you had in your relationship then go back, but if you don't think you love her then tell her the truth and move on.

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i think so bcoz he keep making songs for her and i still believe Rhianna still in love with him and he is still in love with her

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of course

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yes you can still get her without being a member this is how to get her-1 red love ,1black love,any love