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Q: How do you think the four goals of psychology can hurt or help humanity?
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Do the four goals of psychology help or hurt humanity?

Psychology and its goals are a tool and like any tool, it depends on the person using them and their motives. A tool is designed to help humanity, like a knife, but what the individual does with that tool will either help or hurt humanity. You can use the knife to cut up and share the food or you can use it to eliminate the competition for the food.

How do you think the 4 goals of psychology can help or hurt humanity?

The four goals of psychology: describe behavior, understand behavior, predict behavior, and control behavior I believe can help humanity a great deal. We have to begin to understand how we behave in our everyday life has an effect on others. We much first learn the cause and effect of our own behavior before we can begin to study other people around us. Humanity cannot describe behavior unless they understand the behavior as a whole first. It is good to be able to predict ones behavior in order to make our reacting behaviors send the message we wish to send. I believe communication skills also fit into psychology because our behaviors also send messages, and you cannot describe, understand, predict or control a person's behavior without understanding and describing the nonverbal communication messages the behavior emits. We use the four goals of psychology in everyday life, and whether humanity as a whole realizes it or not, we are always predicting and trying to control ones behavior, but we cannot also describe or understand the behavior. Psychologists use the four goals to determine various personalities and personas and figure out better ways to deal with various patients.

What are the four goals of psychology and their meaning?

The goal is to describe, explain, predict then treat the behavior.

What are the psychology's goals?

Psychology seeks to describe, explain, predict, and control the events it studies.The five basic goals of psychology aredescribe, explain, predict, control, and improve.the four main goals of psychology1. observe and describe.2. understand and explain3. predict4. influence and control. the four main goals of psychology1. observe and describe.2. understand and explain3. predict4. influence and control.The goal of psychology is to describe, explain, predict and treat a behavior.

What does a psychologist study?

the four main goals of psychology 1. observe and describe. 2. understand and explain 3. predict 4. influence and control. the four main goals of psychology 1. observe and describe. 2. understand and explain 3. predict 4. influence and control.

What Two degrees you can earn at a four year college?

I think Psychology is the only one

What are the four basic goals of psychology?

Psychologists have four things they do: describe, explain, predict, and influence behavior.

What are the aimsgoals of psychology?

There are four major goals of psychology. They are:Describe behaviorUnderstand or explain behaviorPredict the behaviorControl or modify the behavior

What is 4 goals called?

Four goals.

How many syllables are in psychology?


How many syllables in the word humanity?


What are the syllables of psychology?

The word psychology has four syllables. The syllables of the word are psy-chol-o-gy.