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Generally, mice don't really bite unless you injure (holding them tightly for example) them or scare them pretty badly (Holding them in a closed hand can do this...just let them walk freely on your open hand) . If you're having a problem, try washing your hands before handling. them. You may have the smell of something tasty on your hands, and they're just hungry. Aside from that, biting really isn't a problem you should be having with mice.

uh actually mice bite if u stick your finger in there cage and mice do bite i have heaps of my own and some bite did you no that mice only live for 3 yrs at the max so look after your pet and another reason mice bite is if they have young babys and young baby mice are called pinkeys.My mouse cupcake used to bitre when she was due to have babys biting is usely caused by stress and bing aressive towards your mouse

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12y ago
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12y ago

a mouse should not bite unnecessarily. try putting them in a big box of something and let them run free for a while. she will eventually want to get out so put your hand in and let her climb on. it will take a bit of patience but trust me it is worth it. do that for about an hour a day and it will definitely not bite you again as long as you don't hurt it

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14y ago

I have had pet rats for many years. I believe the key to tame, friendly rats is handling them from the time when they are very young. I held mine every few hours, and gave them treats. Now they come to me when I open the cage door and want me to pick them up. They need to get used to you holding them and learn to trust you.

** Tip: When feeding them treats by hand, place the treat on your open palm. this way they do not accidentally nip your fingers by mistake!

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11y ago

u give them a lot of food so they grow fat and then they explode to tiny peices and who would have a pet rat

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Is it dangerous to keep pet rats?

No, Not if they are properly cared for then they will love you forever with the odd nibble or bite (until they know you more better)

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In the wild yes they are, But if you keep a pet rat then you can train them to sleep when you sleep. But yes they are naturally Nocturnal.

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Can pet rats have rabbies?

No. All pet rats are vaccinated.

Where you can find rats?

You can find pet rats in a lot of pet stores, or animal rescues. You can find wild rats just about anywhere.

Is it true that rats can nibble on ones finger tips and the person will not feel it because rats blow while they eat?

No, this is not true. Rats have long sharp teeth and if they nibble on your finger tips it will feel just like any other animal nibbling on your finger tips. My five rats nibble on my finger all the time and yes, you can feel it. Assuming they are properly socialized, they won't bite. It is only when they start nibbling all my whiskers off above my lip that it gets a bit uncomfortable.

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its not all pet rats its just the ones that are black and white because it looks somewhat like a tuxedo

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No, they can sometimes prevent them!

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Are pet rats vermin?

Pet rats are not vermin. Pet rats are raised in a pet store, laboratory, or adoption center and they are raised to be pets or in the case of labs, experiments. if you are thinking of buying a rat remember not to buy a rat raised as food for snakes. Rats bred to be pets are much gentler and sweeter than rats raised as food.