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The character for the long E (macron E, ē) can be copied from the Character Map.

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Q: How do you type a long e?
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Does the word type have a long e or short a sound?

The word 'type' does not have the long e or the short a vowel sound. The letter y in type is the long i sound and the E is silent.

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How do you type a long e with a dash over it?

The dash is called a macron, and indicates a long E sound. You can copy it from the Character Map. It is ē.

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Does near have a short or long a sound?

It is not an A at all. The EA pair is pronounced like a long E, as in fear. But this type of long E + R is called a caret I. It has the "ear" sound in US English.

Is here a short vowel word?

No. The first E has a type of long E diphthong sound referred to as a caret I (hee-ur). The second E is silent.

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you type e, then y, and lastly an e

Does jeep have a long E or long I?

It is a long E, to rhyme with keep and sleep.

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It is a long e.

What type of car that starts with a E?

Jag E type Jaguar

Is sled short or long e?

short e, as bed,