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Place the ending punctuation inside the closing quotation mark if it's part of the quoted material. For example: She said, "Hello." If the punctuation is not part of the quote, place it outside the closing quotation mark. For example: Did you read the article "The Benefits of Exercise"?

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15y ago

Webster's New World Dictionary states the comma and the period are always enclosed within the quotation marks. The exclamation and question marks are placed within if they apply to the quotation and placed outside if they apply to the whole sentence. Example: "I'm leaving," he said, "but you may come with me." "Can I go too?" she asked. Didn't I say, "you may come with me"?

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What are valid punctuation marks in English?

Valid punctuation marks in English include the period, the question mark, the comma, and the apostrophe. Other valid marks are the exclamation point, quotation marks, the colon, and semicolon.

What is the rule regarding the relative placement of a quote mark to other punctuation at the end of a sentence?

Generally, punctuation marks such as periods and question marks will precede the final quotation mark at the end of the sentence.

What item should be changed in order to make a quotation fit seamlessly with your surrounding text?

The punctuation should be adjusted in the quotation. Make sure the quotation marks, commas, periods, and other punctuation are used correctly to integrate the quote fluidly into the surrounding text.

How do you type a correct quote?

To type a correct quote, use opening and closing quotation marks (" "). Place the opening quotation mark before the quoted text and the closing quotation mark after the quoted text. This helps signify the beginning and end of the quote.

Do quotation marks go inside a period or outside?

In American English, periods always go inside quotation marks. In British English, periods go inside quotation marks when they are part of the quoted material, but outside if they are not. It's important to be consistent with the style guide you are following.

Where can I find worksheets for quotation marks?

You can find worksheets for quotation marks on educational websites such as, Teachers Pay Teachers, or Super Teacher Worksheets. Many of these websites offer a variety of printable worksheets for punctuation practice, including quotation marks.

Quotation marks should not be used to indicate words from other languages?

Quotation marks should be used to indicate words from other languages.

Is it possible to use punctuation other than a question mark on wikianswers?

In an answer to a question all punctuation marks are possible, but in a question on WikiAnswers the only punctuation that is allowed are apostrophes and question marks.

Where are the quotation marks located when there is a question mark?

The quotation marks are placed outside of the question mark at the end of a sentence when the quoted text is part of the question. For example: Did she say, "I'll be there"?

When are fourteen punctuation marks used in a sentence?

The fourteen punctuation marks are used in a sentence to convey meaning, organization, and clarity. They include the period, question mark, exclamation mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, hyphen, parentheses, brackets, ellipsis, quotation marks, apostrophe, and slash. Each punctuation mark serves a specific purpose in indicating pauses, separating ideas, indicating emphasis, indicating omission, and showing possession, among other functions.

When do you put quotation marks in a sentence?

Quotation marks should be placed around any quotes. In other words, any text that you have copied from elsewhere.

Does a comma come before or after quotation marks within the sentence?

A period goes before the closing quotation mark. The first thing he said was, "I didn't think you would get here so quickly." Source: Harbrace College Handbook, 7th edition, by John C. Hodges and Mary E. Whitten, page 151. The above is true in American English. In Britain, the period goes outside the quotation marks.