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#define pi=3.141593

void main()


float r,h,a;


printf("Enter the radius:\t");


printf("\nEnter the hight:\t");



printf("\n The area of cylinder is: %f",a);



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#include<math.h> // for atan() function

long double volume_of_cylinder (long double, long double);

long double area_of_circle (long double);

long double volume_of_cylinder (long double radius, long double height) {

return area_of_circle (radius) * height;


long double area_of_circle (long double radius) {

const long double pi = atan(1) * 4;

return pi * radius * radius;


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Q: How do you write a C program to find the volume of a cylinder?
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The diameter, alone, is not enough to find the volume of a cylinder. You need the height as well. &gt; Where pi = 3.1416, and d = cylinder diameter cylinder volume = pi * (d/2)2 * length of cylinder

How you find the volume of a cylinder?

you listen to it

What is the density of a cylinder?

Density = Mass/Volume, correct. However, with a cylinder, you have to find the volume. In order to find the volume of a cylinder use the equation PiR2 * H where "R" is the radius (Diameter/2) squared.

How do you find Volume for a cylinder?

Volume of a cylinder = pi*(radius)2*(height) where pi = 22/7

How do you Find out the volume of a cylinder?

First find the area of the cylinder's base, and multiply that by the height. For V = A x h. Volume, Area, height.

What instrument is used to to find volume?

Graduated cylinder