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Just write what people want you to write. And things that can be changed or helped out in your school and have your English teacher read over it.

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Q: How do you write a speech for school council elections?
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you speak about how you feel about the shool council e.g: How you can improve the school , why you want to be in the school council. Use great descriptive words so the audience can understand what you are saying, Same with speaking clearly.

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You need to start the speech out by stating your name. You also need to talk about how you are going to help the school throughout the year.

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Easy , just think about using big words , such as exquisite and all that stuff. But it's simple just think about how you want it. It is really like signing up for school council . I'm school council and I'm head. Just think about how you feel!!!!

What to write for student council speech?

w my name is Claudia,and I would like to join student council, I would put iPod for the students on Friday in groups

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The best speech comes from you, your heart. Each word should have its reasoning and its thoughts of being a leader. You have to think of your own speech to become on top of things, to win. The most natural is the most precious. The thoughts you have may not come to you at first, but pop up when u least expect it. Im not saying to got to school and just think of a speech out of thin air, but write one with meanings, expression, feelings, and lots of persuading. ;) Good luck with your elections!

Can you write me a primary school house captain speech?

I really think you should write it yourself.

How do you write a speech if you are leaving your primary school going to a secondary school?

keep blabbing on about your memories of that school. also write about friends and their impact on you. if you dont like that school then lie.

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Answer one: I grab a pen and paper and trace: a touching farewell speech for school? Answer two: In latin. Vale dicere.

How do you write a student council speech for secretary?

If You are in Middle School try to make funny jokes.Just try not to be too cheesy or no one will like your speech.You should try to make your speech between 30 to 50 seconds long because you dont want to BORE your audience.Remember SHORT and FUNNY get votes.

How do you write a funny student council speech for secretary?

If You are in Middle School try to make funny jokes.Just try not to be too cheesy or no one will like your speech.You should try to make your speech between 30 to 50 seconds long because you dont want to BORE your audience.Remember SHORT and FUNNY get votes.

How do you write a good primary school captain speech so i can win?

think ask for ideas