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Q: How do you write the word form for each number and tell the value of the underline digit?
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Write place value of underline digit?

None, since no digit is underlined!

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Ninety million- Ten millions

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the value of the underlined digit of 153 is Place of 3 = unit (1), Place of 5 = 10th and Place of 1 = 100th.

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it means to write the value. for example.... 1.639. just write the value.

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999999 and -999999

Write the value for each digit in the number 1.639?

Write the word form and tell the value of the underlined digit for each number?

Since there is no underlined digit the word form is and the value is .

What is the place value of 500000?

A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.

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8 : the units digit is the first digit to the left of the decimal point if you had to write one in.

How do you write value for each digit in number 633?

They are: 600, 30 and 3