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In technical sense 1 GB equals 1024 MBs, But however the actual formatted capacity of a storage system being lesser than the actually specified we generally round down 1024 MBs to 1000MB(Mega Bytes). You can take the example of a 2GB pendrive in which you get a storage of 1.76 GB instead of the 2GB size mentioned.



Tushar Atreja

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12y ago
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Move the decimal point to the left 3 places.

700. Mb = .700 Gb

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How many gigabytes are 700.1 megabytes?

700 megabytes is .7 gigabytes.

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Since there are eight bits in a byte - 5600 Mega bits.

How many GB is on 700 MB?


How do you convert from Gb to MB?

1 Gb = 1024 Mb

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No. 2.11 GB is much too large. You would need at least three (3) 700 MB CDs to hold that much data.

What is 2.4 MB?

MB stands for Megabytes. To convert this to KB, multiply by 1024. To convert it to Bytes, multiply it by 1024 squared. To convert to GB, divide by 1024.

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70.1 MB is about 1/14 of a GB, or .0701 of a Gigabyte- Their are 1012 Megabytes in a Gigabyte.

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To add that, you have to convert it to a common unit. Either divide the 47.4 MB by 1024 to convert them to GB, or multiply the 1.224 GB by 1024 to convert them to MB. However, using the rough equivalence of 1000 Mb = 1 Gb, you can see that the answer is just over 1.271 Gb / 1271 Mb. Using the factor of 1024 Mb = 1 Gb, the answer is 1300.776 Mb (1.301 Gb).

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6gigs-6000meg 6000/700=[8.571428 repeating]

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There are 1024 Mb to a Gb so 785424/1024 = 767.015625

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1 Gigabyte is equivalent to 1024 megabytes. So 247 Megabytes is equal to: 0.2412109375 Gigabytes.

How do you convert 7.38 GB into MB?

To convert 7.38 GB to MB, you will need to perform a simple mathematical equation:In every GB there is 1024 MB, so therefore you will need to calculate...- 7.38 x 1024This will give you an answer of 7557.12 MB