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It doesn't get energy. It uses the energy stored in concentration gradientsof H+ ions(protons)across membranes.

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10y ago

Atp synthase is an enzme that get the proton motive force it needs by the electron transport chain. The overall process of creating energy in this fashion is termed oxidative phosphorylation.

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10y ago

ATP synthase is an enzyme produced by DNA. It is a result of gene expression. It acts like any enzyme which speeds up metabolic processes.

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Q: How does ATP synthase obtain the energy to produce ATP?
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How is ATP synthase involved is making energy available to the cell?

-I'm 98% sure ATP synthase binds ADP and a phosphate group together to produce ATP. But I could be wrong. Its a start!ATP synthase is involved in making energy available to the cell by synthesizing large proteins and converting ADP and inorganic phosphate into high-energy ATP.

How ATP synthase involved in making energy available to the cell?

-I'm 98% sure ATP synthase binds ADP and a phosphate group together to produce ATP. But I could be wrong. Its a start!ATP synthase is involved in making energy available to the cell by synthesizing large proteins and converting ADP and inorganic phosphate into high-energy ATP.

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ATP synthase couples chemiosmosis to energy storage.

What spins to provide energy for adding a phosphate group to ADP?

The rotor part of the ATP synthase enzyme.

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Energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase is the most direct source of energy in this case.

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The electron gradient created by the electron transport chain flows from the inner membrane space to the matrix through the ATP synthase which captures energy from the proton motive force to create lots of ATP in oxadative phosphorylation.

What couples chemiosmosis to energy storage ATP synthase cytochromes FADH2 NADH or electron transport?

ATP synthase couples chemiosmosis to energy storage.

How is ATP synthase involved in making energy involved in the cell?

-I'm 98% sure ATP synthase binds ADP and a phosphate group together to produce ATP. But I could be wrong. Its a start!ATP synthase is involved in making energy available to the cell by synthesizing large proteins and converting ADP and inorganic phosphate into high-energy ATP.

Which protein complex allows hydrogen ions to rush out of the thylacoid providing energy that can be used to make a molecule?

ATP synthase allows H+ ions to pass through the thylakoid membrane.

What is the role synthase in photosynthesis?

to produce ATP for the calvin cycle

What flows through ATP synthase in order to produce ATP?

Energy is often released in the form of hydrogen ions moving down an electrochemical gradient, such in chloroplasts or mitochondria.

How does ATP synthase produce ATP-?

Hydrogen ions flow back down their gradient through a channel in an ATP synthase. The ATP synthase harnesses the proton-motive force to phosphorylate ADP, forming ATP.Read more: How_does_chemiosmosis_produce_ATP