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Q: How does Crooks reaction to the dream of the farm reinforce the idea that this dream is unrealistic?
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What is crooks attitude to candy and lennies dream?

Crooks initially doubts Candy and Lennie's dream of owning a farm, thinking it is unrealistic and impossible. He sees the dream as a fantasy that can never be achieved due to their circumstances as migrant ranch workers. However, he becomes more interested and hopeful about the idea as he sees how much it means to them and the sense of companionship it brings.

Why doesnt crooks want the dream anymore of mice and men?

Crooks, a character in "Of Mice and Men," doesn't believe in the dream of owning a farm with companions like Lennie, George, and Candy because he has faced consistent discrimination and isolation due to his race. He sees the dream as unattainable and unrealistic given the social barriers he faces.

Paraphrase of you have a dream?

you are dreamingyou are being unrealistic

What is crooks' reaction when he sees that the ranch is a realistic possibility?

Crooks is initially skeptical when he hears about the dream of owning a ranch, but he becomes interested when he realizes it could actually happen. He opens up about his desire for a place where he can belong and be free from discrimination.

How does Crooks feel about the plan to buy land and raise rabbits?

Crooks is initially skeptical about the plan to buy land and raise rabbits, feeling that it is unrealistic and unlikely to come to fruition. However, he becomes more hopeful and interested in the idea as he sees the genuine companionship and support between George and Lennie. Ultimately, Crooks yearns to be included in the dream of having his own piece of land and a sense of belonging.

How would crooks dream be viewed today?

you in a tub.

Why is crooks suspicious of Lennie what secret does Lennie share with Crooks?

Crooks is suspicious of Lennie because he doesn't understand Lennie's mental disability and is wary of his size and strength. Lennie confides in Crooks the dream of owning a farm with George, but Crooks initially doubts the feasibility of the dream due to the racism and discrimination he has faced throughout his life.

What plan did Lennie reveal to crooks and what was crooks reply?

Lennie revealed his dream of owning a small piece of land with some rabbits to Crooks. Crooks initially doubted the possibility of such a dream coming true for Lennie, but eventually joined in on the excitement and expressed his own interest in being a part of this dream.

When Lennie tells crooks about the land in of mice and men what was crooks first reply?

Crooks' first reply to Lennie telling him about the land is skepticism, as he is not convinced that George and Lennie will actually be able to achieve their dream of owning a piece of land. He questions Lennie about the feasibility of their plan and whether they truly understand the obstacles they may face.

What suggest the dream of the farm is unrealistic in of mice and men?

They have no money to get the land and raise it.

Should I give up my dream?

If your current dream is unrealistic, then perhaps you should modify it rather than give it up.

What is crooks opinion of the secret Lennie told him you book of mice and men?

Crooks is surprised when Lennie tells him about the dream to own a farm with George, Candy, and the rabbits. He's initially skeptical but becomes more hopeful as he realizes that Lennie genuinely believes in the dream. Crooks is moved by the idea of being included in the dream, feeling a sense of belonging and camaraderie.