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DNA are giant molecules called macromolecules. Segments of DNA which are units of heredity are called genes. Thus, genes are fragments of DNA. Complementary genes in a pair are called alleles. One allele controls a specific trait.

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15y ago
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15y ago

DNA contained in the cell nucleus is copied into RNA by ribosomes. This RNA is then cut into useable peices by spliceosomes, the usable pieces are known as exons and they code for proteins, the unusable parts are known as introns. The exons are copied and dragged to another ribosome. The mRNA strand is caught between the large and small subunits of that ribosome The RNA then codes for proteins when it is fed through the organelle at three different locations (the 'E', 'P', and 'A') this code comes in a sequence of a combination of three bases of four possible bases(U, A, G, and C) known as a codon. Once a codon is read by the ribosome, the Amino Acid it codes for is produced. Then, tRNA which contains an anti-codon (corresponding to the codon of the mRNA ex: codon=AAG, anti-codon=UUC) attaches to its corresponding amino acid. The tRNA then attaches the amnio acids together and they form the primary stage of a protein. Once fully formed, these proteins make up your hair, several hormones, the proteins contained in cells and every other conceivable thing in your body. This is how DNA creates you traits.

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15y ago

Needless to say its very complex, but it can be made relatively simple. DNA has segments all over it where different proteins bind and have different actions on the DNA. One such segment is a gene, in humans this has many other regions associated with the the gene to make sure it is only expressed/turned on at the right time. When the time is right the DNA is acted upon by a large array of enzymes, one of the main ones being RNA polymerase. This takes the region of DNA and turns it into RNA, which is a molecule structurally similar to DNA. This RNA leaves the nucleus and is acted upon by a thing called a ribosome. A ribosome is made up of some protein and some RNA, but it carries out enzymatic functions regardless. It sees the bases of DNA three at a time and puts an amino acid onto a chain for each 3 DNA bases. This is done for a long time, until many many amino acids are present sometimes as few as 100 or as many as several thousand. This amino acid chain can be called a polypeptide or more commonly a protein. It is this protein which makes the trait. If the trait is blue eyes for example the protein would only be made in the eyes, where it would bundle together with other proteins to make the blue eye colour. It is much easier to see this when looking at individuals with diseases, who have a certain trait because they are lacking a certain protein. The disease phenylketonuria for example, which causes high blood phenylalanine levels and brain damage at an early age is caused when a gene whose protein (Phenylalanine hydroxlyase) converts phenylalanine into tyrosine, is gone. The same process is true for all traits, but most that are observable, such as blue eyes, black hair, big feet, and skin coloud etc... are determined by many many proteins acting together at different times of development. There are many proteins which only act while as an embryo which for example cause the legs to form.

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13y ago

im not positive but in DNA you have chromesomes wich then has to go to the punet square becase if a dad is homozygus tall and mom iz heterozygus small

then u have a chanse of tall so yes that iz kind of it dont take wrd for word k

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11y ago

Put most simply its this.

DNA is a code of sorts. Different combinations of the four bases in sets of three encode different aminoacids. These proteins then go on to make almost everything that we are; hair, skin, muscle etc.

Basically differences in the DNA alter how well the proteins work, or how much there is, or weather they work at all. Different people may have slightly different DNA, leading to different proteins. For example, some people have the Rhesus blood group antigen because they have the DNA to make it. Others do not, and so the protein is not present. These traits on a molecular level go on to define the physical manifestation of our traits, or phenotype.

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11y ago

the strings of DNA each have a ton of atoms which give you a chemical makeup and appearence and create genes which determine every thing about the physical apperence

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