

How does Direct Access work?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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Direct access is designed to give the user of a computer direct access to their internal network over the internet, and is in many ways similar to VPN's.

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Q: How does Direct Access work?
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direct access allows you to access the needed record directly with serial access u have to go through all the others before arriving to the desired one

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What are the differences between direct access and random access?

Direct access means going straight to the record you want,and random access means pick data randomly and then find that data which you required.

What is the difference between direct access and sequential access?

, Both terms "direct access" and "sequential access" as you must have guessed refer to accessing schemes in the file system. In broadest sense difference between these two can be stated like this -In sequential access data is stored at random locations. -In direct access data is stored at sequential locations. ( Ironically this is true No matter what kind of first impression we get when we hear it for the first time. ) -In sequential access addition of data is fast but retrieval of data is slow. -In direct access addition of data is slow as reordering of data blocks may be needed to put current data block after the last used data block for the file. But retrieval of data is fast. -Data structure implementing Sequential access is linked list. -Data structure implementing Direct access is an Array. Application areas:- A situation where rate of addition of data is much larger compared to retrieval of data Sequential access is preferred, in opposite situation Direct access is more suitable. Regards, Prime There are technical explanations as to how it works, but in simple terms, direct access means going straight to the record you want, whereas sequential access means going through all records one by one until you find the one you want.

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Which storage does NOT use direct access?

The most common type of storage that does not use direct access is tape storage. Tape uses sequential access, that requires to start from the beginning of the tape and go through the tape until you find the section you need. Direct access includes a directory that will let you go directly to the data you need.