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Harry doesn't personally use any magic, but "the seven Potters" use polyjuice potion to transform into the likeness of him, which could easily be classed as magic. After Harry breaks the boundaries of the Dursley house, and the death eaters attack, he uses a variety of spells including expelliarmus and accio.

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He conjures a Patronus, which is a stag. The first Patronus he conjures is when he is trying to save Sirius Black in the end of book 3, when the dementors strike when Sirius, Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Pettigrew come out of the Shrieking Shack/Whomping Willow. There you go. :D

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Hagrid struck Dudley with an unknown spell that resulted in him having a pig's tail. Hagrid had meant to completely turn him into a pig but since his wand is only broken pieces and his education stopped at thirteen he wasn't capable of doing so.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

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The dementors attacked Harry in #3 on the train to Hogwarts because Dementors feed on unhappiness and sorrow- Harry has a lot of just that [for one thing, his parents are gone.] The Dementors are not in their rightful home because they escaped.

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Yes, dementors are in the courtroom scene when Umbridge is interrogating Mary Cattermole.

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Dolores Umbridge.