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Yes, very much so.

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Q: How does Norway use hydroelectricity?
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Related questions

When will hydroelectricity be accessible to the public?

Hydroelectricity has been available for public use for decades; hydroelectricity supplies around 20% of demand, and several countries have it as their main (in the case of Norway, almost only) source of power...

Hydroelectricity is an important energy resource produced in Norway Sweden and Switzerland?

Yes. Hydroelectricity is produced in other places too.

Which country has 100 percent of their electrical energy source coming from hydroelectricity?


Why Norway can produce so much hydroelectricity?

it still has plenty of running water

What are Norways industries?

Norway's industries include: Oil, Fishing, Mining, and Hydroelectricity.

Could France use hydroelectricity in the future?

frrance is going to use hydroelectricity in da futre

What are the Good points of hydroelectricity?

what are use of hydroelectricity

Why can Iceland use hydroelectricity?

Iceland can use hydroelectricity because of its several mountains. This allows water to flow making streams and rivers ideal for hydroelectricity to be used.

How does Hydroelectricity save power?

by use of water

Does Louisiana use hydroelectricity?

Yes, Louisiana does use hydroelectricity. It has multiple hydroelectric power plants, including the world's largest prefabricated one in Vidalia, Louisiana.

What do you use hydroelectricity energy for?

You use hydroelectricity energy for water. Hence the term "hydro". You need hydroelectricity energy to help water flow from the oceans to your pipes and shower heads, washing machine dishwasher toilets..etc :) hope I helped :)

How is hydroelectricity collected for human use?

by farting in a can of soup