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yes a bag of water does keep files away as along as it is a clear bag.

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9y ago

Don't bother.

There is no evidence that plastic bags full or water will repel flies. It's a myth that has been scientifically tested and has not validity.

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Q: How does a bag of water keep flies away?
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Related questions

What is the science behind a bag of water keeping flies away?

The science is simple since a bag of water doesn't repel flies.

Does zip lock bag filled with water and penny's keep flies away?

There has been no scientific study to prove if zip lock bags filled with water and penny's will keep flies away. There are some people who swear it works and others who swear it doesn't work.

Why does anyone hang a bowl or bag of water from their front door?

People hang a bag of water from their front door to keep flies from coming into the home. The bag has a small hole in it and the flies get in but then can't get out.

Does four pennies in a ziplock bag really keep the flies away?

No, that sounds like superstition. To keep flies away use gauze in front of your windows, or close the windows, and don't keep fruit around for too long outside the fridge. Flies do not react to pennies in any way, especially not in ziplock bags :P

Why do people hang pennies in a bag of water?

I am not sure what it has to do with horror movies, unless you saw it in one. But, with or without the pennies, if a bag of water is suspended from the ceiling in a corner or corners of the room it keeps flies away.

Are there any oils which help keep flies out of your house?

Not that I know of, but some reason, a plastic sandwich bag filled with plain water and hung near door way entrances will repel flies! found this at * Gnats, flies and mosquitoes * Plant basil around your patios and sitting areas, or keep it in pots on the deck or porch to help repel these flying nuisances. Water well before you expect to be out, to enhance the aroma. Early Americans would keep pots of basil on their windowsills to keep flies out of their homes. * Crush fresh basil leaves in your hands, and spread the oil over your skin to keep them away.

Why flies are afraid of bags of water?

They are not.There is a common myth that a plastic bag filled with water will repel flies. This has been tested and there is ZERO evidence that it works. In fact, in one test the bag actually increased the number of flies present.

How does the waterbag elimenate flies?

Water bags are believed to deter flies due to their reflective nature, confusing and scaring them away. Flies perceive the water bag as a larger body of water or a competing territory, which disrupts their natural behavior and prevents them from landing in the area. This method is not scientifically proven but is commonly used as a low-cost and eco-friendly fly repellent.

What are the tips on how to maintain personal computer?

keep computer when not in used shut down keep in the bag Keep it out of reach of children Keep all liquid substance away from your pc, eg water, juice, tea and all other drinks keep your pc out of dust

How does a penny affect water?

Supposidly, a bag of water with a penny in it keeps flys away. However, you really don't need the penny and a half filled bag of water will catch some flys.

Where is the popcorn bag on Wimpy Boardwalk?

It's in the trash can where the biting flies are flying. You have to lure them away to get the empty bag. Jump up on the Cranium Shaker ride and grab the trash can lid. Put it on the trash can and shove it left to where the cotton candy is. The flies will leave and you can dig the popcorn bag out of the trash.

Keep Your Items Safe From Water?

A trip to the beach means a trip to the store to buy a cosmetic and toiletry bag. You want to keep your essentials safe from the water of the ocean and the pool, and a cosmetic bag will do the job. They come in all sizes and range from one to five dollars for a simple bag.