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Banana is rich in magnesium which other food is not rich in it

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Q: How does a banana have chemical energy?
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Related questions

What type of energy is stored in a banana?

A type of chemical energy.

What type of energy does a banana present?

Chemical energy

What type of energy is stored in banana?

A type of chemical energy.

What is the energy chain for eating a banana?

A type of chemical energy.

How many volts does A banana have?

Foods has some Chemical Potential Energy which can be converted into electricity. Chemical potential energy that comes from food is called calories . since banana have calories it has small quantity of electricity.

What is the chemical formula for banana?

The flavour of a banana comes largely from Isoamyl Acetate, but the banana itself does not have a chemical formula.

Is banana rotting chemical or physical?

Is chemical.

Is digesting a banana a chemical reaction or is a reversible change?

Digesting a banana is a chemical reaction, an ireversible change.

Is dissecting a banana a chemical reaction or a reversible change?

Dissecting a banana is a physical change, not a chemical reaction. It involves physically separating the banana into smaller pieces, but the chemical composition of the banana doesn't change. A reversible change would be when you freeze the banana slices and then thaw them, as this can be reversed.

Is digesting a banana a reversibal change or a chemical reaction?

its a a chemical reaction because you can 't get it back in a hole banana

Is a banana blending in a smoothie a chemical change or a chemical property?

Chemical change

What is the chemical in apples that ripe banana?

That chemical is ethylene gas.