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Q: How does a capillary bed function?
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How do portal vein differ for portal artery is function?

There is no portal artery. A portal vein connects one capillary bed to a second capillary bed. (in series)

What is the function of postcapillary venule?

The terminal arteriole feeding the capillary bed leads into a metarteriole, which is continous with the thoroughfare channel. The thoroughfare channel, in turn, joins the postcapillary venue that drains the capillary bed.

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Glomerulus in the bow man's capsule

What is brisk capillary refill?

Capillary refill refers to how quickly the color returns to the external capillary bed following pressure that has been applied to an area. A brisk capillary refill means that the color returned to the capillary bed rather quickly.

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What are the two capillary beds that are in series in the excretory system of humans?

The first capillary bed in the series is the glomerular capillary, where filtration occurs. The efferent arteriole on the distal end of the glomerular capillary. Objects it to the next capillary bed in the series: the peritubular capillary. This is where secretion and reabsorbtion take place. This type of system is an example of an arterial portal system.

What is the blood pressure of a capillary bed?

Pressure at capillary bed varies from 32mmHg at the arteriolar end to about 10mmHg at venous end, with an average of 17mmHg

Trace the path of a red blood cell in a circuit that takes it from the capillary bed of the right kidney to the capillary bed of the left kidney Consider that you are doing this for an animal with a?

capillary bed of the right kidney---venules---veins---right atrium---right ventircle---pulmonary arteries---capillary of the lungs---pulmonary veins---left atrium---left ventricle---aorta---arteries---arterioles---capillary bed of the left kidney (ALMOST positive about the answer, I just had a test on it. Hope it helps!)

What is the function of the capillary beds?
