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Yes, frogs and toads can respire through their skin as well as through their breathing apparatus and lungs. This is very important for those living in areas where temperatures fall below freezing. This enables frogs to hibernate at the bottom of ponds and continue breathing through their skin.

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14y ago
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8y ago

They have blood vessels very close to the surface of their skin. When moist, this will allow them to exchange gases.
Yes frogs can breath through skins. Their skin have tiny pores through which they breath.

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15y ago

The frog does not breathe through its skin alone. When the frog is underwater, oxygen is transmitted from the water directly into the bloodstream. When it submerges from the water, a pair of simple, sac-like lungs take over.

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8y ago

frogs breathe through their skin when they are in the water because they absorb small amounts of oxygen from the water particles, thus they can stay under water for longer, however they still have to surface occassionally to fill their lungs with oxygen.

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12y ago

Yes , but they only breathe through their skin when they are in the water. When on land they breathe through their lungs.

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15y ago

i think they can........ but im not sure though so dont quote me on it

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6y ago

Frogs secrete a mucous like substance to keep them moist that absorbs oxygen through the skin directly into their bloodstream

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11y ago

Lungs do not provide enough.

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Q: Why do frogs breathe through their skin?
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How do frogs breathe in water?

Through their moist skin.

Do frogs breathe through their lungs and skin?

Yes they do

What animal breath through skin?

some frogs breath through skin some don't.

What kind of animals species breathe through their skin?


Do frogs breathe through their but hole?

No they do not. Most can however breathe through both their skin when wet and lungs.

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Most frogs have lungs, but their are lungless frogs. They can also breath thru their skin.

How do frogs ventilate their lungs?

Frogs breathe just like humans, taking in air through their mouths and exhaling it. They are also able to breathe through their skin.

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Through Skin..

Why do frogs and worms have so many capillaries in this skin and humans do not?

Frogs and worms do have in their skins than humans because they breathe through the skin.

What kind of animals breathe through moist skin?

animals that breathe through moist skin book lungs and book lungs.

Do frogs breath through their skin?

Yes, but they also have lungs to breathe through their mouth and nostrils