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Q: How does a high tide during a spring tide differ from a high tide during a neap tide?
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Is the greatest difference between low and high tides occurs during a neap tide?

both spring tides and neap tides have a 20% difference from normal tides

What happens during a spring tide and a neap tide?

During a spring tide, the high water mark would be high up on the beach on the flood, and very far out on an ebb tide. During a neap tide, the high water mark is not so high or so low as during a spring tide.

When high tides are higher than normal what tides do they make neap or spring tides?

it makes spring tides. the way i remenber that is springs go high and and spring tides are higher than neap tides.

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What is the difference between the highest and lowest tides during a neap tide?

A neap tide happens during the quarter phase of the moon and they are weak tides. There is a very small difference between high and low tides during this time.

Is the water higher during a neap tide or a spring tide?


Is the water higher during a neap tide or spring tide?


What the difference between neap and spring tide?

neap tides are moderate tides at normal rates while spring tides are more extereme ex to high or to low .

What is the difference between high water and low water during spring tide and neap tide?

Spring tides, when the Moon is full or new, are higher than average, while neap tides when the Moon is at one of the quarters has lower than average tides.

What is the difference between high water and low water during spring tides and neap tide?

Spring tides, when the Moon is full or new, are higher than average, while neap tides when the Moon is at one of the quarters has lower than average tides.

What are the meaning of neap lid es from spring lid es?

I think you mean tides. Neap tide is the smallest difference high-low tide and spring tide is the largest.

The daily tidal range is greatest during which tide?

neap tidespring tide