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A molecule is 2 or more atoms clinging together in some fashion. The molecule can be simple, that is, the same substance as the atoms, or it can be compound, that is, the atoms are different, and are of a different substance as the atoms.

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Q: How does a molecule and atom differ in meaning?
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State one way in which a molecule of hydrogen and a molecule of oxygen differ?

A hydrogen atom has 1 proton and an oxygen atom has 8

How does molecule differ from an atom?

A molecule may be one or more atoms, where as an atom can only be one atom. For instance there are hydrogen atoms, and diatomic hydrogen molecules.

How does a molucule differ from an atom?

A molecule is a collection of atoms that are chemically bonded together. An atom is just a single entity.

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In the Raman effect, a photon is scattered inelastically (meaning it has a different, lower, energy after scattering than before) from an atom or molecule, causing excitation, i.e., raising an electron to a higher energy level.In the Compton effect, a photon is scattered inelastically from an atom or molecule, causing ionization, i.e., ejecting an electron from the atom or molecule.

How atom of hydrogen is differ from molecule of hydrogen?

atoms are the building blocks of all matter, a molecule will contain atoms within it

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A molecule has additional spectral lines due to changes in its rotational and vibrational energies.

How do and oxygen atom and oxygen molecule differ?

An oxygen atom consists of a single atom containing 8 protons and 8 electrons. An oxygen molecule consists of two such atoms covalently bonded together.

How does a atom differ from a molecule?

An atom is a single unit of matter, while a molecule is two or more units of matter put together. cluster of similar atoms form molecules

How do an atom of hydrogen and a molecule of hydrogen differ?

A molecule consists of many atoms. When you have a hydrogen molecule, or whatever other type of molecule for that matter, you have many hydrogen atoms that make it.

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A molecule is a group of atoms Example: two atoms of Hydrogen + one atom of oxygen = H20 (water)

How do the definitions of oxidation and reduction differ?

Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom or ion. Reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.

How do an atom and a molecule differ?

A molecule contain: - two or more atoms of different chemical compounds - two or more atoms of the same element An atom is only a...single uncharged atom.