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The bigger the solid the less surface area there is to be reacted with. If you broke the same solid into many different pieces it would dissolve quicker because there is more surface for the reaction to take place.

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Q: How does a particular size affect a soluble solid dissolving?
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Why does size affect a soluble solid from dissolving quicker?

Not usually size, its the surface area

When a soluble solid is added to a solvent is a solution made?

If the solid is soluble in that particular solvent, yes you will get a solution.

What will affect both the rate of dissolving and the solubility of a solid in a liquid?

Heating or stirring will normally increase the rate at which a soluble solid dissolves in liquid. Heating will also normally increase the amount of solute that can be retained in solution.

how can temprature affect the dissolving time of a solid?

If the temperature of the area the dissolving solid is in is warm, the air can make the dissolving solid warm too, and eventually completely dissolve the object.

How can we test how soluble a solid is?

The solubility is determined experimentally dissolving the solute in a solvent at a given temperature and pressure.

What is it called when a solid dissolves?

In a solution, there is what scientists call a solvent (the dissolving material) which is usually a luquid, and a solute (the material being dissolved) which is usually a solid. The answer you are looking for is "solute".

How does a particular size affect a soluble solid?

The smaller the particles, the more quickly and easily they dissolve. A powdered solute will dissolve faster than a large piece of the same solute.

A substance capable of dissolving freely in water is?

Hydrophillic and water soluble.Hydrophilic

When a solid substance is placed in water or another liquid particles of the substance break awayand move into a liquid what is this called?

The process is called 'dissolving', provided the solid substance is soluble in the liquid solvent in which it is present.

What are the 7 S words in science to do with dissolving?

Solute which is the solid being dissolved Solvent which is the liquid the solid is dissolving into Solution which is the solute and the solvent mixed together Soluble which means that something will dissolve Insoluble which means that something will not dissolve Solubility which is how much something will dissolve and Saturated which is when a solution has dissolved that maximum amount of solute

How does temperature affect the solubilty of a solid in a solvent?

Usually, higher temperature = more soluble in the solvent.

What are different solids that affect the freezing and boiling point of water?

Any solid that is soluble in water.