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The Emperor Penguin will travel 31 to 35 miles to reach the rookies- their breading grounds were a female Emperor penguin will lay one egg in May or late June. The female will lay the egg then leave for two months, as the male will take care of the egg. The egg is protected by the male and is safe and cozy under the males lovood pouch witch is under his feet.If the egg falls out it will freeze in two minutes. When the female returns the egg has hatched. The male will leave up to 65 days, as the female has food stored in her neck pouch the chick will reach in and take and eat the food.When the chick is two months old it can swim and eat by its self. Then join another clan and mate. The Emperor Penguin will always have on mate. If the female or male dies it will be alone for its rest of its life.

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