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Squid have gills along their sides... thus obtaining oxgen similar to a fish

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Q: How does a squid obtain oxygen from its surroundings?
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How do squid obtain oxygen from water?

same way the fish do

Unicellular organisms obtain oxygen and dissolved substances from their surroundings by?

Diffusion and osmosis.

How do colossal squid breathe in the water?

They obtain oxygen form the water in the same way as fish do.

Are squids marsupials?

No. Marsupials are vertebrates, i.e. they have a backbone. Squid are invertebrates (no backbone). Marsupials have pouches. Squid do not. They release eggs into the water. Marsupials obtain oxygen by breathing, using lungs. Squid obtain oxygen through a pair of long 'gills' covered in leaflets called lamellae. Marsupials have fur, hair or skin. Squid do not. A kangaroo (for example) is a type of marsupial.

How does a vampire squid breathe?

The vampire squid, generally found around the south carribean areas and along the coast of peru, obtain oxygen through the suction cups on their tenticles.

Why are the chromatophores important to the squid?

for camoflauge so the squid can change color to better blend into its surroundings.

What is the body temperature of a squid?

The body temperature of a squid is influenced by the temperature in their surroundings. This is because they are cold-blooded animals.

What is the color of a giant?

The skin is of a giant squid is covered in chromatophores, which enable the squid to change color to suit its surroundings. Like a chameleon

How does a giant squid obtain it's food?

By actively hunting for it.

How does your body obtain oxygen?

Our body obtain oxygen to our body by breathing.

Do squid use oxygen and air?

Oxygen - yes. Air - no. Not much of that around underwater.

What does squid used to protect itself?

Like the octopus, the squid use ink and a camouflage to blind the enemy predator and blend into its surroundings. Some squids (like the Humboldt squid) use hook on their sucker cups to defend it's self.