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Provided the shape remains similar, the surface varies as the 2/3 power of the volume. Or, to put it another way, the cube root of the volume varies directly as the square root of the surface area.


the square of the volume is in direct proportion to the cube of the area.

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Q: How does a surface area of a solid vary with its volume?
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No the area is when you are dealing with a 2-dimensional figure. Surface area formulas vary depending on if the object is a rectangular prism, a pyramid, a cone, or a triangular prism. a.k.a. the object needs to be 3-D to have a surface area.

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There really isn't a "why"; that's just how things are. The volume of any solid with a cross-section that does not vary with height is the area of the base multiplied by the height.

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There is no such thing as solid weight. All matter on Earth has weight whether it is solid, liquid or gas. There is also no such thing as a solid quart. A quart is a measure of volume usually applied to liquids or granulated substances such as flour or sugar. The volume of solid objects is usually measured in cubic centimeters or cubic inches. The volume of a given solid object will vary inversely with its density. The denser it is, the smaller it will be.

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That means that the surface area (measured in acres, in this case) can vary.

What is the measure of how surface an object has?

It's called surface area. The formulae vary depending on the shape. For example, a cube with a width of w has six sides, each of which has an area of w2, so the surface area of a cube is 6 x w2.

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Surface area of the roof times depth of snow gives volume of snow. Take a sample of snow and weight it to determine density (since the density of snow can vary quite a bit). Density times volume equals weight.

What is the measure of how mutch surface an object has?

It's called surface area. The formulae vary depending on the shape. For example, a cube with a width of w has six sides, each of which has an area of w2, so the surface area of a cube is 6 x w2.

What is the area of 5 gallons of water?

Surface area? That will vary considerably. The smallest surface area will be if the water is suspended weightless, in the shape of a sphere. It could be in a pan 1/16 of an inch deep. Specify the shape you are interested in.