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When the vaccine gets to the body the it will block away the viral infection.

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8y ago

Vaccine help fight viral infection by growing antibodies

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Q: How does a vaccine help fight viral infections?
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What best describes how a vaccine work?

The vaccine makes the body create memory cells.

What is used to fight viral infections?

Usually nothing. Antibiotics won't help it has to run its course.

What kind of infections do antibiotics fight?

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, antibiotics do not fight all bacterial infections however, they generally fight one of two types of bacteria (gram negative and gram positive). Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections or parasites, but they are sometimes prescribed with a viral infection to prevent a bacterial superinfection - when you get a bacterial infection because your immune system was weakened by the viral infection first. Antibiotics have saved more lives than those lost in any war but overusing them or not finishing a course can lead to the evolution of resistant bacteria which can no longer be killed by antibiotics.

What does vaccine and pathogenic have in common?

Vaccines are for preventing infections. Infections are pathogenic (caused by germs). Vaccines help your body prepare to fight specific pathogens, e.g., bacteria and viruses.

Which of these is the best definition for interferon?

a chemical produced by the body to fight viral infections

Why do antibiotics do not help teat viral infections?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, they have no affect on viruses. Vaccinations treat viruses.

Why would a drug damage capsids help treat viral infection?

capsids prevent viral infections apex they stop viral infections from reproducing

Does azithromycin help with a severe cold or flu?

No. Antibiotics do not help viral infections such as the cold or flu. Antibiotics are specifically for helping with treatment of bacterial infections or for preventing bacterial infections and do nothing to an inanimate virus.

Why the doctor might not give you any medication if you have a viral disease?

Simply because there really isn't medicine to fight most viral infections. There are a few exceptions like tamiflu for flu, but most viruses cannot be fought with medication. Any medication prescribed would just help symptoms of the infection but not do anything to fight it off.

Is penicillian effective to treat colds and flue?

No. Penicillin is an antibiotic and does not help fight viral infections like colds or the flu. Tamiflu (an antiviral medication) may be prescribed if the flu is caught early enough.

Can viral infections be treated without antibiotics?

OH HECK NO BUDDY!! Don't treat viral infections with an antibiotic!!! Go to the doctor and stop self-prescribing medications. You are going to land up making antibiotic-resistant bacteria in your body and that can be serious or even fatal for you!!!

What is salt used for weapons?

To fight infections and help the wound.