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Activation energy is really just the minimum amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to occur. Without it, the energy will stay the same and the substance cannot undergo a chemical change. The thing to look at, I think, is the product of the reaction. For example, in a graph, two substances could have the same activation energy, but after the reaction the amount of energy in substance 1 could be extremely low and the amount of energy in substance 2 could be higher than the activation energy. In substance 1, evidence of an EXOTHERMIC reaction has occurred because the amount of energy in the original substance was lost indicating that it has released energy. Whereas in substance 2, when the amount of energy was higher than the activation energy, it is evident that an ENDOTHERMIC reaction has occurred because the amount of energy after the reaction is higher than it was before the reaction. This shows that substance 2 absorbedenergy making it endothermic. hope this helps!

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The enthalpy sign of the reaction at a given temperature and pressure is an indicator of energy exchange. A negative sign implies a release of energy and a positive sign for absorbing.

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Q: How does activation energy determine if a reaction will release or absorb energy?
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