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Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the function of the central nervous system. Alcohol actually blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain. This alters a person's perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing. In very small amounts, alcohol can help a person feel more relaxed or less anxious. More alcohol causes greater changes in the brain, resulting in intoxication. People who have overused alcohol may stagger, lose their coordination, and slur their speech. They will probably be confused and disoriented. Depending on the person, intoxication can make someone very friendly and talkative or very aggressive and angry. Reaction times are slowed dramatically - which is why people are told not to drink and drive. People who are intoxicated may think they're moving properly when they're not. They may act totally out of character. When large amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time, alcohol poisoning can result. Alcohol poisoning is exactly what it sounds like - the body has become poisoned by large amounts of alcohol. Violent vomiting is usually the first symptom of alcohol poisoning. Extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures, and even death may result.
== == == == Whether it is beer, wine, or liquor, alcohol is a drug that is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. It is then broken down by the liver and finally eliminated from the body.
The liver is capable of breaking down a finite amount of alcohol over a given period of time and no more. Until the liver has time to break down the alcohol it keeps circulating in the bloodstream, affecting all of the body's organs, including the brain. The liver is able to treat the alcohol of about one drink per hour. And here is nothing that can speed this up.

Alcohol depresses the brain and slows down its ability to control the body and mind. This is why alcohol can be so dangerous. Alcohol acts like a sedative and slows down muscle coordination, reflexes, movement, and speech. If an individual drinks too much alcohol, his or her breathing or heart rate can reach dangerously low levels or even stop. == == It can cause cancer of the liver, throat, mouth, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and brain. It also can lead to sexual dysfunction and intense diarrhea.
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It destroys the liver and suppresses brain cells.

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Q: How does alcohol affect the body?
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Alcohol affects every cell in the body.

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What is the first thing alcohal affects?

Alcohol can affect a few things. Alcohol can affect the mind, body and thinking.

Which muscle on the body does alcohol affect first?

The tongue.

Why does alcohol affect all parts of your body?

Because alcohol travels wherever the blood does.

How long does alcohol take to affect the body?

Generally, there is some affect within the hour.

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Yes it can affect your BAC if you have been drinking. Aspirin inhibits your body's ability to metabolize alcohol.

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yes as it will not affect your body but if you mixed alcohol with cannabis it could really harm you!!

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Body fat does not absorb alcohol so the fatter a person is, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, other things being equal.

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Alcohol acts as a depressant. That is, it slows the functioning of the body, including muscular response.