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A neuron is one cell of a nerve, whereas an electron is a very small negatively charged particle found in an atom. You may, of course, have meant neutron rather than neuron, in which case the answer is that it is a very small particle found in the nucleus of an atom and has no charge.

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Q: How does an electron differ from a neuron?
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Which is a nerve cell an electron or a neuron?

a neuron

How does an electron differ from a neutron?

An electron has a negative charge to it, whilst a neutron has a neutral charge to it.

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Action potentials also known as spikes, differ from graded potentials in that they do not diminish in strength as they travel through the neuron.

What is a subatomic particle having zero charge found in the nucleus of an atom?

This particle is the neutron.

Are the electron arrangements in an isotope the same?

yes because only the number of neutrons differ.

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Negatively charged and contains less sodium

Are atoms of the same elements exactly alike?

yes other than the electron count may differ.

How does the ground state electron configuration of the hydrogen atom differ from that of a ground state helium atom?

The ground state electron configuration of the hydrogen atom is 1s1, and for helium it is 1s2.

How does electron differ from a neutro?

An electron bears a negative charge, a neutron has no charge.A neutron is about 2,000 times as massive as an electron.Neutrons exist in atomic nuclei, electrons orbit nuclei.

Where is the neuron?

The Inter-neuron (also known as the local circuit neuron, relay neuron or the association neuron) is the neuron which connects the afferent and the efferent neurons in the neural pathways.

Specialized cell that makes up the nervous system?

The cells that makes up the nervous system is the Inter-neuron (circuit neuron), sensory neuron and motor neuron.

Why is a neuron called an interneuron?

A neuron is called a inter-neuron because that specific neuron takes impulse from one neuron to a next neuron. For example your sensory neuron sends a impulse that you had felt a hot object. It goes through the spine to a inter-neuron to a motor neuron (this processes is called a reflex). Then the motor neuron tells your muscles in your hand to move