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It loses 2 electrons and becomes a +2 ion.

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Q: How does an element in group 2 attain a stable electron configuration?
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Have two valence electrons and get to a stable electron configuration by using two electrons?

an element with 2 valence electrons can obtain a stable electron configuration by "kicking out" two electrons to have the same electron config as the noble gas in the previous period

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Describe 1 way an element can achieve a stable electron configuration?

. Through the transfer of electrons between atoms

Metals tend to gain electrons to attain the electron configuration of noble gases?

true, just not for Boron witch tries to gain 6 electrons for a stable arrangement

What is a pseudo-noble gas?

Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration. Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration.

How many electrons must Kr lose to attain a noble gas electron configuration?

Krypton is a noble gas and need not lose electrons. It is already stable.

What has a pseudo-noble-gas electron configuration?

The pseudo noble-gas electron configuration has the outer three orbitals filled, the s, p and d- s2p6d10 (18 electrons total) and so is fairly stable. Elements that attain this electron configuration are at the right side of the transition metals (d-block). Br-, I-, Se2-

What is the formula of the ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration?

Na+ is the formula of the ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration.

What element has 13 protons 13 neutrons 14 electrons?

An isotope of Magnesium, specifically Mg26.

What group of elements have stable electron confoguration?

The group of elements that have a stable electron configuration are the noble gases.

How many electrons does lithium lose or gain to achieve a stable octet configuration?

Lithium is in group 1 of the Periodic How_many_electrons_must_the_lithium_atom_give_up_to_become_stable, so it must lose one electron for it to attain a full outermost energy level and become stable.The charge will then be positive (+).

What symbol would represent a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?

What symbol would represent a chlorine ion that has ionized to have a stable electron configuration?