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Anorexia nervosa usually develops over time, after one or more triggers specific to the individual. It is different for everyone.

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Related questions

How do people die from anorexia?

Millions of people every year die from anorexia or complications from the disorder. About 15% of anorexics will die.

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia is Anorexia Nervosa.

Does naomi campell have anorexia?

No she does not have anorexia.

How do you spell anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is the correct spelling.

What can you do to help a friend to not start anorexia?

Tell them that they'll slowly become weaker and weaker and will eventually collapse or have a heart attack and die. They got to know that Anorexia is a disease, once you reach Anorexia it's very hard to turn back. I mean once you get there, you will get help from parents and medical care, but the anorexia will be playing your mind. Just keep an eye out for them or tell their parents what your friend is wanting to do so that friend can get help immediately. I'm a recovered anorexic.

What is the difference between the names anorexia nervosa and anorexia?

It is just a shorter version of the full name. Anorexia is short for Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, Anorexia Nervosa is commonly referred to as Anorexia. (As is Bulimia. Bulimia is short for Bulimia Nervosa.)

How can anorexia cause stravation?

Anorexia is starvation..

Is anorexia infectious disease?

Anorexia is NOT a disease - it is a psychological condition. You cannot 'catch' Anorexia from a sufferer !

How many types of Anorexia are there?

There are two major divisions anorexia is diagnosed as 1) anorexia-binge/purge subtype 2) anorexia-restricting type

What is the chain of infection of anorexia?

There is no chain of infection for anorexia, as it is not caused by a pathogen. Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder.

Where did anorexia originate?

It is unknown exactly where anorexia originated.

Why does caffeine cause anorexia?

Caffeine is not a cause of anorexia.