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When the filament of a bulb becomes hot, it can react with the air around it, causing it to change size and / or shape, breaking the filament.

Argon is unreactive, and so when this gas surrounds the filament, it prevents it from reacting, so preserving it for a longer period.

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Q: How does argon let you use an electric light bulb for many hours?
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Is argon used in a light bulb?

yes argon is used for light bulb and it is not reactive

Which gas used in light bulb?

The gas in a light bulb is Argon

Why are light bulbs filled with argon and not air?

If you use air instead of argon to fill a light bulb, the air will burn the light bulb.

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Why was argon gas chosen for a light bulb?

Argon is often used when an inert atmosphere is needed. It is used in this way in incandescent light bulbs to stop oxygen from corroding the filament. Argon is used in fluorescent tubes and low-energy light bulbs. A low-energy light bulb often contains argon gas and mercury. When it is switched on an electric discharge passes through the gas, generating UV light. The coating on the inside surface of the bulb is activated by the UV light and it glows brightly.

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argon is an element that make up a light bulb

What gas is inside a light bulb?

The kind of gas that is in a light bulb is called Argon.

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argon is an element that make up a light bulb

In a bulb noble gas argon is used . why is argon is used instead of air in the light bulb?

It won't burn the filament.

How many hours did Thomas Edison's first light bulb stay on?

Thomas Edison crowns 14 months of testing with an incandescent electric light bulb that lasts 13½ hours

Which came first the telephone or the electric light bulb?

The electric light bulb came first but was patented later that the telephone was.

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