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Temperature - low temperature gains altitude quicker

Pressure - High pressure gains altitude quicker

Density - Low density gains altitude quicker

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What is the difference between a radar altimeter and a barometric altimeter?

Radar altimeter gets altitude information by bouncing a radio wave off the surface of the Earth and determines the aircrafts altitude by measuring the length of time it takes for the signal to return. Barometric altimeters get altitude information by measuring the barometric air pressure outside the aircraft. Barometric pressure decreases as altitude increases. Radar altimeters will give altitude above ground level while barometric altimeters give altitude above sea level.

What is measured by an altimeter?

An altimeter does not actually measure altitude directly, but rather just atmospheric pressure. So an altimeter is actually a barometer created for a specific purpose. See related link The altimeter measures the height above the ground and has a pointer which is adjustable depending in which air field you are taking off on. it measures the pressure of the air as you get higher off the ground the pressure reduces therefore it is able to determine your height above ground.

Why electronic equipment not work in high altitude?

Electronic equipment can operate just fine in high altitude. You simply need to account for environmental issues, such as heat dissipation. Take, for instance, electronics in a satellite - that is the ultimate high altitude.

Why will increasing a rocket's volume increase altitude?


What is the top cruising altitude for G5 Gulfstream?

The Gulfstream GV can climb directly to an altitude of 37,000 feet in eighteen minutes, then continue to 43,000 feet for a high speed cruise of 488 knots, or climb to 45,000 feet for a long-range cruise of 459 knots. The highest altitude that it is certified to fly at is 51,000 feet.