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Assuming we are using a pressure transducer to measure barometric pressure, I understand that a gauge type transducer would be used. The internal diaphragm would have a fixed pressure behind it (at a guess would be at standard temp/pressure, STP, ie 20 deg C @ 1013mb), so the transducer has a reference to work against. The front of the diaphragm would be exposed to atmosphere. I would assume the reference (gauge) pressure would vary as the barometric pressure varies, as the diaphragm would move towards the side with least pressure, or at 1013mb the diapragm would be in the centre (which could be used as the null output voltage), higher than 1013mb could produce a positive voltage swing, less than 1013mb could go negative. This is all I can think of, please let me know if on the right track.

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Q: How does barometric pressure affect gauge pressure?
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Low and high pressure systems. Obviously if you have a Low pressure system the barometric pressure will get low. High pressure causes the barometric pressure to rise.

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When the barometric pressure rises it means calm fair weather is coming or is already occurring. When the barometric pressure falls it means foul weather is on the way such as rain and storms and clouds.

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Barometric pressure goes down in a tornado.

An altimeter is an adaptation of the?

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A sudden decrease in barometric pressure is a sign that a storm is coming.

Is barometric pressure the same as atmosheric pressure?

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